I am strong but suffered adversity at the hands of others. I have experienced pain and trauma. My vulnerability has brought me strength and I don’t hold back on being authentically me. I have enjoyed life, people, situations; they have enjoyed me too!

I can serve others because of the experiences I had in life and not having anyone to give a holistic approach for solutions. I needed to be that solution provider in others lives. So I went professional. This I have been doing steadily with testimonials.

By working with the whole person. We get to the root of your pain points together, identify synergy between mind, soul and body. This trilogy must work well together for effective, enduring solutions.

To break self limiting beliefs, my outsider perspective will be useful to you.
Your tricycle can not repair itself, you need me.
For accountability and motivation, I offer you that extra push and guide you to stay on track.
I make reliable and relevant information available to you for scaling specific goals.
I won’t let all the cookies out of the jar.
#renew@zeeww is capable.

I was doing this effortlessly, the word ‘coach’ sounded too stern when I was trying to put a tag on this service.
However, that word is what the public can identify with most easily.
So, I am a Lifestyle Coach!
Talk to me!